West Bengal State Health & Family Welfare Samiti 2012 NCD NPHCE Government Jobs in Jalpaiguri Darjeeling & Dakshin Dinajpur district WB Health Hospitals & Block Hospitals NPCDCS NCD & NPHCE District level Jobs Recruitment Vacancy 2012 West Bengal State Health & Welfare Samiti (WB Health) Online application Procedure Apply Date Schedule Interview Timings NPCDCS NCD & NPHCE District level 2012 Jobs Recruitment West Bengal State Health & Welfare Samiti (WB Health) Eligibility Criteria Pay Scale job location 2012 jobs recruitment NPCDCS NCD & NPHCE District level West Bengal State Health & Welfare Samiti (WB Health Government Job).
Are you looking for Government jobs at West Bengal State Health & Welfare Samiti (WB Health)? Do you want to know the latest Government Jobs at West Bengal State Health & Welfare Samiti (WB Health)? Do you want to work in the West Bengal State Health & Welfare Samiti (WB Health)? Then let us inform you about the recent WB Health Government Job Vacancy details of West Bengal State Health & Welfare Samiti in NPCDCS NCD & NPHCE District level programmes. West Bengal State Health & Welfare Samiti (WB Health) invites application from the eligible candidates for the 2012 Recruitment of NPCDCS NCD & NPHCE District level programme and the details as follows.
• NPCDCS NCD & NPHCE District level Recruitment Vacancy 2012 Job Location: - West Bengal State Health & Family Welfare Samiti recruitment at North Bengal [Darjeeling, Jalpaiguri, Dakshin Dinajpur].
• Name of Vacant Posts 2012 Recruitment of West Bengal State Health & Welfare Samiti (WB Health): - West Bengal State Health & Family Welfare Samiti [Government of West Bengal] will engage Ten categories staff under the programme NPCDCS & NPHCE, Department of Health & Family Welfare, Government of West Bengal, for District level on purely contractual basis -
- Programme Assistant at District NCD Cell under the WB-Health programme NPCDCS & NPHCE RECRUITMENT - Total Vacancy: One in each district Darjeeling, Dakshin Dinajpur & Jalpauguri. Criteria & Requirement parameters: Graduate in any stream. A course in shorthand, typing & application is desirable. Knowledge & at least 2 years experience in Office work. Age not more than 40 years.
- Data Entry Operator at District NCD Cell under the WB-Health programme NPCDCS & NPHCE RECRUITMENT - Total Vacancy: One in each district Darjeeling, Dakshin Dinajpur & Jalpauguri. Criteria & Requirement parameters: Graduate in any stream & Diploma in Computer application & at least 2 years experience in Database designing Excel sheet. Age not more than 40 years.
- Data Entry Operator at District Hospital & Block Hospital under the WB-Health programme NPCDCS & NPHCE RECRUITMENT - Total Vacancy: District wise Darjeeling 13, Dakshin Dinajpur 9 & Jalpauguri 14. Criteria & Requirement parameters: Graduate in any stream & Diploma in Computer Application [6 months or more duration course]. Typing Speed in English 40wpm. Data Entry speed minimum 8000 key depression per hour. Well conversant in Data & Work processing. At least 1 years experience as Data Entry Operator. Age not more than 40 years.
- Staff Nurse at District & Block Hospital under the WB-Health programme NPCDCS & NPHCE RECRUITMENT - Total Vacancy: District wise Darjeeling 34, Jalpaiguri 36 & Dakshin Dinajpur 26. Criteria & Requirement parameters: Bachelor degree / Diploma in Nursing. At least 2 years experience in Hospital. Age not more than 40 years.
- Cytopathology Technician (NCD) at District Hospital under the WB-Health programme NPCDCS & NPHCE RECRUITMENT - Total Vacancy: District wise Darjeeling 1, Jalpaiguri 1 & Dakshin Dinajpur 1. Criteria & Requirement parameters: B.Sc MLT / DMLT and Master of Medical Lab Technology (MLT). At least 2 years experience in Cytopathology in a Hospital. Age not more than 40 years.
- Care Coordinator (NCD) at District Hospital under the WB-Health programme NPCDCS & NPHCE RECRUITMENT - Total Vacancy: District wise Darjeeling 1, Jalpaiguri 1 & Dakshin Dinajpur 1. Criteria & Requirement parameters: Graduate with good communication skill and basic knowledge of Computer. Age not more than 40 years.
- Physiotherapist (NCD & NPHCE) at District & Block Level Hospital under the WB-Health programme NPCDCS & NPHCE RECRUITMENT - Total Vacancy: District wise Darjeeling 14, Jalpaiguri 15 & Dakshin Dinajpur 10. Criteria & Requirement parameters: Bachelor degree in Physiotherapy. At least 2 years experience in Hospital. Age not more than 40 years.
- Counsellor (NCD) at District & Block level Hospital under the WB-Health programme NPCDCS & NPHCE RECRUITMENT - Total Vacancy: District wise Darjeeling 14, Jalpaiguri 15 & Dakshin Dinajpur 10. Criteria & Requirement parameters: Bachelor degree in Social Science / Degree or Diploma in Counselling in Health Education / Mass Communication. At least 2 years experience in Counselling at Health Care Centre. Age not more than 40 years.
- Hospital Attendant (NPHCE) at District Hospital under the WB-Health programme NPCDCS & NPHCE RECRUITMENT - Total Vacancy: District wise Darjeeling 2, Jalpaiguri 2 & Dakshin Dinajpur 2. Criteria & Requirement parameters: Matriculation. At least 2 years experience in Hospital. Age not more than 40 years.
- Sanitary Attendant (NPHCE) at District Hospital under the WB-Health programme NPCDCS & NPHCE RECRUITMENT - Total Vacancy: District wise Darjeeling 2, Jalpaiguri 2 & Dakshin Dinajpur 2. Criteria & Requirement parameters: Matriculation. At least 2 years experience in Hospital. Age not more than 40 years.
Note: Relaxation of age as per Government of India norms.
• Where How to Apply Process of NPCDCS NCD & NPHCE District level 2012 Jobs Recruitment in West Bengal State Health & Welfare Samiti (WB Health): - Applicants are requested to visit www.wbhealth.gov.in official website of West Bengal State Health & Family Welfare Samiti for application format [as mentioned below]. Interested eligible Indian Citizens are requested to submit their Application on or before 17th August 2012 within 11am to 4pm on all working days in the format given below along with the attested copies of testimonials & relevant certificates with self-attested photograph to the concerned CMOH (Chief Medical Officer of Health) Office –
- CMOH Darjeeling Office Address: - The Secretary Health, Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council (DGHC), Department of Health & Family Welfare, Louis Jubilee Complex, Darjeeling [Email id: ].
- Darjeeling CMOH Dy Office Address: - The Dy CMOH-II, Department of Health & Family Welfare, Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health II Darjeeling, Office at Siliguri, N/SL 46/1 Raja Rammohan Roy Road (Bye Lane), East Vivekananda Pally, P.O. – Rabindra Sarani, Siliguri-734006 [Phone number: ].
- Jalpaiguri WB Health CMOH Office Address: - The CMOH & Secretary, District Health & Family Welfare Samiti, Jalpaiguri, Health & Administrative Building, 1st Floor, Hospital Para, Jalpaiguri-735101 [Phone number: 0].
- Dakshin Dinajpur CMOH Office Address: - The Dy CMOH II, Library Complex, Balurghat, Dakshin Dinajpur, Pin-733101, West Bengal [Phone number: 3].
Application Format of West Bengal State Health & Family Welfare Jobs |
Don’t forget to Apply within the scheduled date for the 2012 NPCDCS NCD & NPHCE District level jobs in West Bengal State Health & Welfare Samiti (WB Health) and to brighten your professional career.